Sunday, December 4, 2011

Righteous Anger

This past week I started my new job in Albuquerque, New Mexico and I wanted to share a quick experience from this past week. The building I am working in is actually owned by the University of New Mexico. As such, I had to go to the main part of campus (about 5 minute drive) with my boss and navigate to the Student Union Building (SUB). Suffice it to say, it sure has changed A LOT from when I went to school there. However, the type of people there haven't changed much -- great place to people watch! And as when I was in school there (we won't talk about how long ago that was), various student groups had tables there to pass out information. One of those groups was Planned Parenthood. For those that don't know, they provide abortion services to pregnant women. On their table they had a large banner that really made me burn with righteous anger. It read "Planned Parenthood - Pro-Family Pro-Child Pro-Choice." The truth was murdered there in that sign in lies it contained. An organization that murders innocent children with heartbeats in the womb can NEVER be "Pro-Child" no matter how you spin it. Further, murder of these innocent babies destroys families in a multitude of ways. Seeing them there inflamed me, but it also made me remember that the gospel is just as much for them as it is for me. I used to be like them -- blind to my need for Jesus -- living to pursue my own desires in the way I thought was right in my own eyes. So I prayed for them because they need the gospel as much as I do.

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